REDWERT Incident management software solution for all healthcare emergency responses.

Healthcare Incident Management Made easyfastsafesimplequick

Safeguard your employees and patients with REDWERT healthcare incident management software that caters to specific needs of your healthcare organization. REDWERT provides a proactive suite of solutions for quality management, performance improvement and incident management in healthcare. Not only that, we provide you a plethora of solutions for quality management and improved performance as well. Our cloud-based AI healthcare software integrates patient safety system, incident reporting and risk management in one comprehensive tool tailor-made for your organization. As your business requirements change, our solution grows and we adapt your changes to the effective growth of your business. The unambiguous design of our incident management software ensures that it is easy to navigate and use.

redwert logo

Healthcare Incident Management Made Seamless

Our Healthcare incident management software enables you to:

  • Access incident reporting systems in hospitals.
  • Track all hospital-related proceedings.
  • Record patient safety report and help caregivers in managing threats, or emergency incidents.
  • Capture various adverse events easily with predetermined selectors, dropdown lists and areas for narrative where required.
  • Create centralized visibility and track of all hospital acquired infections (HAI).
  • Calculate the turnaround time (TAT) as per the classification of incidents.

Drive Investigation And Analyse Risks

  • Investigate each incident with a detailed Root Cause Analysis using various tools like Ishikawa and 5 Why.
  • Use these tools to understand the underlying causes of potential events that were intercepted.
  • Assign sub-tickets for investigation requests to respective departments.
  • Enable parallel department investigation to allot one ticket to multiple departments.
redwert design

Risk Analytics Made Quick And Easy With REDWERT

Our risk analytics module enables you to:

  • Use Risk matrix to identify the risk intensity.
  • Generate in-depth risk analysis reports of healthcare incidents.
  • Conduct hospital acquired infections (HAI) audits.
  • Get real-time insights on personalized dashboards and alerts through multiple channels/formats.

Monitor Quality Using KPI Tracker

Let our risk analytics module help you:

  • Monitor and facilitate evidence-based ongoing quality improvement efforts.
  • Perform infection control and prevent an issue from snowballing or happening again for efficient incident management.
  • Collect, analyse and communicate results on critical key performance indicators across your healthcare organization.

Drive Your Safety Improvements With REDWERT

Use our healthcare incident management software to:

  • Improve the quality and safety of your healthcare organization.
  • Avoid patient safety events or medical errors to improve the healthcare process.
  • Reduce the risk of adverse events, or unfortunate incidents during medical care.

Let Us


Let REDWERT Healthcare Incident Management & Risk Analytics Module surface the right insights and provide valuable guidance on how to create and maintain a reliable patient safety system.


Spend less time tracking and organising your incidents. REDWERT analyses each incident and describes the practical steps required to build a comprehensive healthcare quality improvement programme.


Whether you’re raising an incident or calculating key performance indicators for your healthcare risk assessment, let our incident management reduce the workload for you by keeping it all in sync.


Quick Dive Information on the Product Additions, New Components and Features.

Supported platforms

Seamlessly runs on Web, Android, iOS, Desktop, etc

Multi-channel access

Distinct Multi-channel access from any device, anywhere, at any time

Pre-built Templates

Record hospital incidents in a quick and easy way by filling the adequate details in the designated fields


Get scheduled reports via e-mails, web, push notifications, world-wide SMS

Attach documents

Statements, reports, prescriptions, images, videos, or any kind of documents for holistic information support

Dynamic forms

Use customizable forms to report adverse events, or medical errors with specific information according to the identified category

Intersystem Data Fetching

Ensure intersystem data flow through HIS and HRMS for patient demographics and employee details

PWA Support

Progressive Web App support ensures that data loads instantly even in uncertain network conditions

Incorporated Tools

Best practice configurations for quick installation and tools for healthcare incident management software implementations

license tracker

What can we offer you?

Our healthcare incident reporting software can offer you various products that can help solve the problem of safety and inefficiency in healthcare organizations. Redwert’s incident- healthcare incident management & risk analytics module helps users to get to the root cause of the problems. It helps in generating an in-depth analysis of risk management by using various tools like Ishikawa and 5 Why. We also familiarise you with the Face- Biometric pain scale assessment tool to analyze the intensity of pain and uneasiness with the help of our biometric technology and even record it for future reports. When you use Faces, a consulting doctor would be sent for according to the results, and the intervention will be carried out via the same channel.

Apart from that, you also get access to the Etracker- medical procedure cost estimator that allows you to track an estimate of the total expense of the medical procedure you are planning to go through. It establishes an estimate of cost for planned procedures and other contingencies. Not just that, it also gives you access to data for any revenue generation possibility. Estimate tracker is patient-centric and gives your patients a chance to manage their financial resources like insurance, life policies, etc. before jumping into the medical procedure. Then, we offer you ltracker- healthcare license tracker that helps you track your medical licenses with alerts and notifications. We have multiple facilities to offer you to make your investment with us worthwhile.

Assured Healthcare Compliance Assistance

We ensure that healthcare organizations are compliant with regulatory standards such as National Accreditation Board for Hospitals & Healthcare Providers (NABH), Joint Commission International (JCI) and The Health Authority – Abu Dhabi (HAAD – JAWDA) Certification.

We assist organizations to meet compliance requirements. So, you can reduce risk, maximize resources, improve patient safety culture and stay audit-ready using our healthcare incident management software purpose-built for this.

Healthcare Incident Management

Pay Only For What You Use

We understand that licence fees per module and annual renewal charges can be quite a hassle. REDWERT offers you a pay-as-you-go option with your Software-as-a-Service healthcare software. With REDWERT, you only pay for the features you need, and storage capacity you use. Absolutely straightforward, no additional costs or termination fees!


$0   -   LIFE TIME
  • Shared Cloud Hosting
  • Total 512MB Storage
  • 25 Incident Reporting
  • Unlimited Users
  • Unlimited Custom Roles
  • Unlimited Notifications
  • Ticket Flow Management
  • Unlimited Custom Categories & Subcategories
  • Unlimited Dynamic Forms
  • Unlimited Root Cause Analysis
  • Unlimited Action Trackers
  • Unlimited KPI Indicators
  • Real Time Dashboards
  • Unlimited Self Support Chatbot Access
  • Ticketing System
  • Knowledge Center Access
  • HIS Integration (Not Included)
  • HRMS Integration (Not Included)
  • Advanced Customization (Not Included)


  • Shared Cloud Hosting
  • Total 10GB  /  Month
  • Unlimited Incident Reporting
  • Unlimited Users
  • Unlimited Custom Roles
  • Unlimited Notifications
  • Ticket Flow Management
  • Unlimited Custom Categories & Subcategories
  • Unlimited Dynamic Forms
  • Unlimited Root Cause Analysis
  • Unlimited Action Trackers
  • Unlimited KPI Indicators
  • Real Time Dashboards
  • Unlimited Self Support Chatbot Access
  • Ticketing System
  • Knowledge Center Access
  • HIS Integration
  • HRMS Integration
  • Advanced Customization (Not Included)


  • Dedicated Cloud/On Premises Hosting
  • Unlimited Storage
  • Unlimited Incident Reporting
  • Unlimited Users
  • Unlimited Custom Roles
  • Unlimited Notifications
  • Ticket Flow Management
  • Unlimited Custom Categories & Subcategories
  • Unlimited Dynamic Forms
  • Unlimited Root Cause Analysis
  • Unlimited Action Trackers
  • Unlimited KPI Indicators
  • Real Time Dashboards
  • Unlimited Self Support Chatbot Access
  • Ticketing System
  • Knowledge Center Access
  • HIS Integration
  • HRMS Integration
  • Advanced Customization*

Cloud Plan Price Calculator

Select A Cloud Plan:

Number of users (Min:100):

Monthly Cost:

$  200

Yearly Cost:

$ 2400


We aim to help each and every organization that has Quality and Safety at the very heart of their efforts.
No matter the size, or experience.

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